Top iOS App Development Trends That Will Dominate 2021

When it comes to an iOS app development company, the best companies are always in pursuit of the next trend that is going to hit the market. These services are everywhere, but staying on top of these trends can be relatively challenging. iOS app development has come a substantially long way, and it is exciting to see what will be Apple’s next invention. It is why we have put up some of the top iOS development trends that are most likely to dominate this year. So, below are the trends that we can expect to rule 2021.

IoT Mobile Apps

With time, the Internet of Things has made its way into our lives. It has gone from being remotely there to almost becoming a significant part of our daily lives. Thus, it is not a surprise that the IoT will allow devices to connect and exchange data. Therefore, it is likely that IoT mobile apps will be a dominating trend this year.

The IoT lets are users share data across devices with ease. Irrespective of the industry, mobile apps that implement the Internet of Things are highly beneficial for the users. Automatic control is a great advantage for the apps that facilitate the Internet of Things, and the same goes for the iOS apps. Thus, it is likely that these iPhone apps will see a drastic increase in 2021.

iOS Apps with Cloud Integration

When we are talking about the top iOS development trends that are likely to dominate in 2021, it is impossible to miss out on cloud integration. Cloud integrated iOS is undoubtedly on the top of these trends. Cloud allows people to not only store but also share their data with total security.

A mobile app with cloud integration is the main goal for many iOS developers since they already see it. Till now, cloud integration has been highly influential, productive, and it has a significant impact on the users and developers providing these services. Therefore, developers who are working on iOS apps should highly consider using cloud integration while building apps.

Integration and Wearable Apps

For the developers working on iOS apps, it is a must to know that integration and wearable apps are very likely to rise as a trend in 2021. Even if we consider the Apple Watch, its use has been increasing over the years, and it is becoming more mainstream with time. Here are some apps that people use daily:

  • Email and reminders
  • Fitness tracking apps and heartrate monitors
  • Messaging apps

There are many new developments in this sector. Thus, wearable apps are always coming up with something new, especially in healthcare and fitness. Furthermore, the wearable device market’s total expenditure was a whopping 52 billion USD in 2020. It is a sign that more app users are resorting to wearable apps with time. Thus, iPhone app developers should consider it and work on the wearable apps sector.

Apps with Mobile Payment

Mobile payments are rising with time, and it has increased even more since the onset of no-contact transactions because of COVID-19. Smartphones are a unique way to make payments on the go. According to a study, approximately 87 million people are using Apple Pay all over the world. For the developers working on iOS app development, apps using mobile payment methods and Apple Pay will increase. The E-Commerce and Online Banking sector is also witnessing an increase over the years and online payment options. Users love using payment apps that are convenient, easy to use on the go, and secure.

5G Tech Apps

We cannot deny the fact that 5G will have a significant impact on the app trends of 2021 for iOS app development. Especially for developers, it will change how they develop apps. It means that the speed and efficiency of app development will drastically improve.

Not only that, but it is also most likely to reduce latency by almost ten times. If we compare 4G with 5G, 5G is nearly a hundred times faster, but it also depends on the mobile network operator. All in all, 5G technology is going to boost the functionality of iOS apps majorly. Thanks to it, developers will now be able to add extra features without it harming the app’s performance.

Beacon Tech Apps

Many industries use beacon technology in their apps, from healthcare to hospitality to retail. It is because beacons drastically increase the functionality of any mobile app. Not only that, but beacons can also help track the behavior of a buyer in a particular store, making things easy for the seller. For instance, it can track if a customer is spending so and so time in a specific shop section. After that, it can trigger a push notification that will announce a sale in the near future on the same products.

AR and VR

These are two of the most noteworthy trends that have taken the tech industry by storm. It helps us perceive information in different ways. We can use Augmented and Virtual Reality for many practical reasons like shopping, searching for data, improving ourselves, and so on. One such example of a company using AR and VR is L’Oreal.

It uses AR by offering its buyers to try different hairstyles using their app “Style My Hair.” Using such methods also helps them increase their sales. Similarly, Google Maps’ “True View” also makes use of AR. With it, you can find out the exact location of a person by using your phone’s camera and pointing it at the nearest buildings. There is extensive usage of AR and VR in mobile app development. Thus, it is highly likely to dominate the iOS app development market as a trend in 2021.

Final Words

So, these were some of the top trends that are most likely to dominate 2021 for iOS app development. Considering these trends and working accordingly for iOS app development will be highly beneficial.

Source Prolead brokers usa