Clickless Analytics is the Future of Business User Analytics

If your business is trying to incorporate data analytics into the fabric of day-to-day work, you will need to get your users to adopt analytical tools. The way forward is not all that complicated. The solution you choose must take an augmented analytics approach, one that includes simple search analytics, ala Google search. Natural Language Processing (NLP) and NLP Search tools are key to this approach as they allow business users to ask simple questions and get answers. If a user does not have to create complex queries or look to business analysts or data scientists or IT professionals, that user can incorporate data into information sharing, reporting, presentations and recommendations to management. 

The Clickless Analytics environment means that users can create a query by asking a question, just as they would when communicating with one another. ‘Which sales person sold the most bakery items in Colorado in April of 2019?’ It’s just that simple. You don’t have to choose columns or search for the right information. Don’t expect your business users to embrace data democratization and champion data literacy if they can’t understand how to use the tools or what the analytics mean. Some solutions produce detailed results but they are in a format that is hard to understand or they provide mountains of detail without providing any insight into the data.

The key to Digital Transformation is to offer a) a solution that is easy to use and will integrate with other systems, software and databases to provide a full picture of data, b) a solution that is easy to use and will offer recommendations, suggestions, guidance and NLP search technology to satisfy the needs of the average business user, and c) a solution that allows users to learn about algorithms, predictive analytics and analytical techniques by providing the guidance and support to choose the right visualization techniques, and the right analytical technique to build user knowledge on a solid foundation, without frustrating the user.

As users, their managers and the business reap the benefits of these tools and techniques, the business user will become a champion of the data literacy and will happily embrace the new tools and roles. If it makes their job easier, and if it provides them with positive feedback in their role, they are bound to see the benefits.

If you want to make encourage your business users to adopt and leverage the Clickless Analytics approach to NLP search analytics, you must ensure that the augmented analytics solution you choose is suitable for the average business user AND will produce the clarity and results you need.  Contact Us to get started. Read our article,

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