Sweepstakes Leads


Are you looking to make money with telemarketing leads? Sweepstakes Leads are the most profitable leads you can get. We offer some of the best leads available, our leads are new, fresh, and hot, 1 to 10 day old leads are our specialty. We have many different types of sweepstakes leads to choose from. NO FREE SAMPLES……

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Are you looking to make money with telemarketing leads? Sweepstakes Leads are the most profitable leads you can get. We offer some of the best leads available, our leads are new, fresh, and hot, 1 to 10 day old leads are our specialty. We have many different types of sweepstakes leads to choose from.

Database $700 for 300

Database $800 for 500

Database $1,600 for 1,000

Our leads are new, fresh and hot, 1 to 10 day old leads are our specialty Sweepstakes leads are proven winners for telemarketing and mailing programs. Impulsive buyers looking for the “Big Score”. Our extensive database of known, lottery, sweepstakes players will increase your close ratio and rake in the big bucks for you. Use them for magazine offers, identification theft, low-interest credit card offers, astrology, insurance programs, travel,  lucky coins. If you want To succeed in sales of your product or service try my sweepstakes lists.
In a time where the demand for quality sweepstakes leads exceeds the availability, it’s not always easy to find a list that gets your sales team excited. It doesn’t matter what type of sweepstakes promotion you’re planning we can provide your sales team the boost they need with the industry’s hottest sweepstakes leads.

Additional information

300 Names First Hit Sweepstakes Leads Database

300 Names First Hit Sweepstakes Leads Database

500 Names First Hit Sweepstakes Leads Database

500 Names First Hit Sweepstakes Leads Database

1000 Names First Hit Sweepstakes Leads Database

1000 Names First Hit Sweepstakes Leads Database