How to Build an Impressive Data Science Resume?
how to build an impressive data science resume

To pursue a successful data scientist career, one requires a deep understanding of this domain’s theoretical and practical aspects. But, there is one more important aspect of data science-related knowledge – the knowledge of writing a data scientist resume.

An impressive resume must target the companies to meet their requirements and understand the job market’s needs. Remember that a data scientist resume acts as the preliminary screening for your abilities and is the ticket for the next round of the interview process. And what is the first thing you need to ensure that your resume reflects your knowledge of data science? A data science certificate. Once you have it, create a nice resume, which is not only easy to read but also gives all the important information about you.

A typical data scientist resume must have:

  • Do not write a long detailed resume, as most employees spend just around 30 seconds as an average time while going through a resume. Just 1-2 page are enough
  • Never use fancy fonts and styles. Use simple fonts
  • Maximum usage of pointers is a good habit while writing a good resume
  • Don’t offer the same resume to every company. Your resume should match the company’s specific requirements
  • Provide URLs to your LinkedIn, Github repository, personal website, if any, and other social media profiles related to the domain
  • Stick with a chronological order format by first explaining your profile in 3-5 lines. Now proceed with your educational credentials, current job, work experience, projects, extracurricular information, and other related activities. Remember to keep the information section on top of the resume.
  • Avoid complicated lines, rather use simple words
  • Finally, proofread your resume to find any grammatical mistakes or any missing information you wanted to share

A good way of writing a resume is to imagine crafting a house. Just as real estate has a fixed area and a floor plan, the same is with your resume. You should make sure that all things fit neatly and within the space available.

  • Create Differentiated Areas – Once you have decided on the information to display in your resume, identify the right sections you have to place them. For example: determine the length of the introduction and profile summary and the place you want it to impress most
  • Resume Headlines – Here, you have to write your name and the job title you are applying for. Customizing a job title is a good choice as it depicts your skill levels to match the company’s requirements
  • Profile Summary – A data scientist’s resume may contain either an objective or a profile summary. Target the specific company and position of the job. Include your quality and skills and conclude with benefits you will bring to the company
  • Contact Information – This should be at the top of the page of your resume, below your objective statement. Apart from furnishing your name, phone number, email ID, etc., don’t add any personal information such as caste, marital status, etc. Add your website, LinkedIn, and Kaggle data scientist profile or other such platforms that demonstrate your data science capabilities
  • Education – It should be placed below the contact information. Include all major and minors information, including the year and the month of completion of degrees. List the highest and most relevant first and then list gradually down the order
  • Data Science Projects and Publications – In this section, write data science-related coursework and all academic projects with relevant background. Here you can also make up for the absence of rich professional experience
  • Experience – Include all part-time and full-time placements. Remember to list the most relevant experience above the list. Use bullet points to demonstrate your past activities that match your data science career pursuits
  • Skills – The most important part of a resume so make it stand out in your job application. Concentrate on indicating transferable skills, which show that you have mastered certain skill sets in your previous jobs
  • Leadership – You may include this as quality with the right experience. Demonstrate the skills and capabilities with bullet points so that they are clear for the reviews
  • Honors and awards – A stand-alone section with a brief description emphasizing your accomplishments in your academics and professional career
  • Certificates – Listing a data science certificate ensures an employer that you are well qualified for the position you have applied for. Update your resume with newly acquired certificates and keep upgrading your skill sets

To conclude, a good resume must be relevant to the job applied, showing your skills with appropriate education and certificates. And don’t forget to first gain a data science certificate!

Source Prolead brokers usa